
Dental Info

Young boy smiling

Timing is Everything In Orthodontics When Treating Children in The Woodlands and Spring TX…

Orhtodontist Dr. Todd Hughes in The Woodlands and Spring TX specializes in the movement of teeth and correction of adverse jaw growth problems. Evaluating and diagnosing each individual patient’s dental development, presents a slightly different challenge for an orthodontist. There are many factors at work and different approaches that can be used. In severe situations, permanent tooth […]

Timing is Everything In Orthodontics When Treating Children in The Woodlands and Spring TX… Read More »

Don’t Rush Mother Nature When Moving Teeth in The Woodlands and Spring TX….

We have all heard the saying “patience is a virtue.” However, as human beings… we want, what we want, when we want it. Unfortunately, most things worth having do not come easily without time and effort and when it comes to a successful orthodontic result, you can’t rush “Mother Nature.” Understanding the physiology of the

Don’t Rush Mother Nature When Moving Teeth in The Woodlands and Spring TX…. Read More »

There Are Many Benefits of Straight Teeth in The Woodlands and Spring TX…

There are many reasons why people want straight teeth. Not the least of these is the fact that crooked teeth are not the most attractive feature. While a nicely aligned smile can be the part of your looks that pulls everything else together, a crooked smile can draw attention away from an otherwise striking appearance.

There Are Many Benefits of Straight Teeth in The Woodlands and Spring TX… Read More »

Did Your Smile Make You Happy in The Woodlands and Spring TX in 2012?

The American Association of Orthodontics recently completed a study in 2012 that reported more than 1/3 of US adults are unhappy with their smile. Are you one of them? If so, 2013 is the year to do something about it!! What better New Years Resolution can you promise yourself or someone you love than a

Did Your Smile Make You Happy in The Woodlands and Spring TX in 2012? Read More »

TLC Works Best During the First Few Days Wearing Braces…

Patients of all ages are self conscious when they first get their braces. It takes a few days to adjust both physically and emotionally to the look and feel of the appliances. Support and understanding from family and friends goes a long way the first few weeks to help patients adapt both physically and emotionally,

TLC Works Best During the First Few Days Wearing Braces… Read More »

Are Your Food Choices As Healthy As You Think?

The average American diet is loaded with sugar and a disturbing amount of it is of the processed variety. This does not bode well for our overall health, but of particular concern is the effect large amounts of sugar have on teeth causing tooth decay. Our goal at Todd Hughes Orthodontics is to create beautiful

Are Your Food Choices As Healthy As You Think? Read More »

During Orthodontic treatment… is Fluoride Friend or Foe?

There are many ways you protect your teeth during your treatment with Dr. Todd Hughes. You brush your teeth after meals and snacks, floss regularly, and protect your mouth and appliances from being damaged by watching foods you eat and wearing a mouth guard during contact sports . But did you know about fluoride to

During Orthodontic treatment… is Fluoride Friend or Foe? Read More »

Do you Know the History of Halloween?

The orthodontists at Todd Hughes Orthodontics and our team thought it would be interesting to share with you the history behind Halloween. Did you know that Halloween is one of the world’s oldest holidays? Throughout the years it has gone through many changes. It was originally a Celtic festival called Samhain (pronounced sow-in). It marked

Do you Know the History of Halloween? Read More »